Recently, a family emergency led to me spending an unexpected two weeks away from my husband and children in order to be hundreds of miles away with my parents and brothers’ families. Thankfully, the emergency has since been resolved and all is now well. During my time away, however, one of the many silver linings to the heavy circumstances was the blessing of me getting to live for two weeks with my younger brother and his family of five.
I got to tag along for school drop-offs and pickups, watch soccer practices and games, enjoy a Mommy-daughter (-and Aunt Lisa) dinner date, be beat by my brother and the kids at arcade games, sing my nephew bedtime songs, play water balloon capture the flag, and eat a lot of tasty meals with this crew. I have always adored my nieces and nephew, but after getting to be roommates with them for awhile I developed what feels more like a mother’s love for them.
When I got to return last week under more normal circumstances for a planned visit – this time with my own family along – seeing my little buddies and my brother and sister-in-law was like coming home. When those little faces ran at me yelling, “Aunt Lisa! Aunt Lisa!” I all but melted. These kiddos are every bit as sweet as they look and I am totally crazy about them!
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and I certainly believe that to be the case here. Getting to watch Jason and Chelsea parent day in and day out for two weeks left me with no doubt that their children are as wonderful as they are because of who Jason and Chelsea are.
I’m as proud of my little brother as a big sister can be. As a husband, as a father, as a friend, as a brother, as a son, as a neighbor, as a leader in his workplace, as a studier of God’s Word, Jason is intentional. He is kind and he is honest. He demonstrates integrity in all things. He is playful and goofy. He can make just about anyone laugh until they cry. He is ambitious yet selfless and attentive. He is hardworking and can bring fun into any situation. And perhaps most remarkable of all is that he was not always all of these things. So much of Jason’s character does not necessarily come naturally to him. He has chosen to grow into the God-fearing, exemplary man that he is, and he lives these traits out steadily and consistently.
As for Chelsea, I have had the privilege of knowing her for much longer than most get to know their sisters-in-law. She was just fifteen when we first met in a film photography class in high school. When she started dating my brother a year later, I only knew her yet as a giggly volleyball player. I quickly grew to love her like a sister, until she eventually became just that. Chelsea has always been a voice of reason in our often unreasonable family. (Don’t worry fam, I’m just talking about myself of course.) She can make anyone, and I mean anyone, feel like they belong. She is cool, calm and collected, all the time. She laughs freely (just like at fifteen!) and finds promise and possibility in every moment. She is quick to forgive and gives people the benefit of the doubt. She judges nobody, but instead loves everyone she meets with grace and sincerity. This woman exudes beauty in every sense of the word.
It is truly no wonder they made three stellar little humans.
If you can’t tell, I love this family. I’m so thankful they’re also my family. I think you’re about to love them too.