Does anyone remember Matt and Chelsea's dreamily snowy engagement session from about a year a half ago? Well that was about the time these two made themselves the clear crowd favorite on my blog. Then several months later, their wedding made me love them even more as I witnessed and experienced the extent of their unmatched selflessness and sincere care for others. The day left me very seriously wishing that I had another excuse to see them soon!
Another month later, Matt's brother and his incredible fiancee made their mark on me just as strong when their engagement session began with a 4:30am hike to a misty mountaintop and concluded with a picnic brunch that they brought along to share with me. With their sincere interest in knowing others and being remarkable conversationalists, Andrew and Sierra learned during our morning together about a young married's Bible study that my husband and I lead. Although they live out of state and knew they regrettably could not be a part of the group themselves, to my sheer delight Sierra and Andrew invited Matt and Chelsea to check out our group. And so the following week, Matt and Chelsea showed up!
The rest is history as we've been real-life friends ever since. Quite literally a dream come true for me! I adored these two from the first time we sat down to coffee together. And then even more when we trekked through a magical winter wonderland together laughing and talking like old friends. Their wedding day only solidified and added to all the wonderful that I already thought of them up to that point, and I went home that night wanting to find a way to spend time with them again. And now here we are, doing life together!
After their wedding a year ago, I would have been thrilled to know I would get to shoot their first anniversary session a year later! And it was an absolute joy, just as I would have expected! But so much more than that, I get to be friends with these guys, day in and day out. I eat ice cream with them (one of my love languages); they love my kids (another of my love languages); they give me and my husband date nights (definitely one of my love languages). They share their hearts humbly and they love others (my family included!) sacrificially. They are THE most others-centered people I know, with not an ounce of self-seeking motives behind it. I learn from them; I am encouraged by them; I am challenged by the way they live. So as I share these photos, my overwhelming feeling is simply thankful. Matt and Chelsea, I thank God for bringing you into my life!