It hasn't always been quickly, but everywhere we have lived the Lord has always blown us away with how He has provided incredible friends and meaningful community for our family. Shortly after we moved cross-country in July, the Mueller-Sagawa family became the beginning of that community for us here and we haven't stopped thanking God for them ever since! When Lauren and Joey are around, nobody is an outsider. These two will include, seek to know and listen well to everyone they encounter. They'll also share openly and leave you wishing your time with them didn't have to end.
They parent with grace and intentionality, joyfully pour their hearts into their jobs and their family alike, and impartially treat others with sincere kindness and selflessness. Joey and Lauren are the epitome of approachable, but they'll likely reach out to you first because of how perceptive and welcoming they are.
My family had no idea what an incredible neighborhood of people we were moving into before we arrived. Joey and Lauren didn't waste any time welcoming us into the community here, and their family has quickly become some of all of our dearest friends. Now our lives practically consist of a never-ending string of playdates together broken up by naps and school pick-ups. This family brings joy and fun and wonderful conversation to our lives and I know to so many others' as well. Still being so new to our life out here, I feel blessed beyond measure to already have such amazing friends as these four. And I truly count it a privilege to have gotten to capture their sweetness with my camera recently. Mueller-Sagawas, I and my family are huge fans of yours and we praise God for you! :)
![San Diego, beach, Ocean Beach](
![sunset, Ocean Beach, San Diego photography](