Smith Family

You know those people you spend time trying to come up with excuses to meet? The ones you keep seeing around town and hearing awesome stories about, and you can't help but want to know them?

Once upon a time, the Smiths were those people to me. We had met a couple times but never had a chance to chat or get to know them much. And then three years ago Karen booked me to shoot their family photos and all my dreams came true!

For real, this family was and is even more amazing than I'd expected! Sweet Sitota is as compassionate and warm-hearted as she is radiantly joyful. Her big brother, Tony is the most gentlemanly 15 year old I have EVER encountered. He treats his sister like a princess and his parents with the utmost resect and love. Kids like these don't just happen––they are the product of incredible, world-class parents. And that is exactly what Chris and Karen are! This couple models unconditional hospitality, generosity, selflessness, and truly Christlike humility. Their wonderful children are thankfully not the only ones who get to glean from their example. I know of dozens and dozens of people who have benefited directly from this family's love-in-action. And I have no doubt there are hundreds who I don't know who have also been affected for the better by the Smiths.

I am SO, so thankful to have gotten to capture these four one more time before I leave Tennessee. And I am even more thankful that these are no longer people I just admire from a distance, but now they are dear friends to me and to my entire family!